House Renovations and Maintenance
Renovations and maintenance includes such activities as painting doors and trim a different color, adding storage buildings, adding additional concrete other than repair to existing parking pads, etc.
All exterior paint colors must be preapproved by the HOA board prior to work being performed. Primary colors such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet will NOT be approved. Only subdued earth tone colors are acceptable. The homeowner must still submit a color choice to the Board for approval.
All roof shingle colors must be preapproved by the HOA board prior to repairs or replacements being performed. Examples of approved shingle colors are listed below.
The owner must complete and submit an Architectural Change Request Form to the HOA board for approval prior to work being performed. The board has 30 days to approve/deny any Architectural Change Request. Remember, your home is required to meet the standards set forth in the CCRs.