The Country Hills Community has among its amenities two swimming pools for use by the members. The Large Pool located at 1610 Oaken Bucket and the Small Pool located at 8217 Hayloft Dr are open from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The Pool Hours are from 12 pm to 8 pm everyday.
The Pools are only available to the residents of Country Hills
Pool Passes are issued by the Pool Monitors at the Large Pool located at 1610 Oaken Bucket during normal pool hours. Residents can also email the Board of Directors at board@countryhillshoa.com to request a pool pass. A resident must present proof of residency (examples listed below) to either the Pool Monitor or by emailing the required documents to the Board to receive a pool pass. The Pool Pass will have a listed gate code that will work at either pool.
In order to gain access to the pools, the following must be true / complete.
1. The homeowner must be current on HOA Dues.
2. The homeowner can not have any active HOA Violations.
3. Proof of residency in the Country Hills Neighborhood must be shown by one of the following methods.
(Both of the following must be presented together) A copy of a rental agreement showing an address that is included in the Country Hills Neighborhood, and a valid Driver's License or State Issued ID that matches the name of the resident listed on the rental agreement.
(Both of the following must be presented together) A copy of a utility bill showing an address that is included in the Country Hills Neighborhood, and a valid Driver's License or State Issued ID that matches the name of the resident listed on the utility bill
(Both of the following must be presented together) A copy of a mortgage statement showing an address that is included in the Country Hills Neighborhood, and a valid Driver's License or State Issued ID that matches the name of the resident listed on the mortgage statement.
Rules of the Pool are listed below and must be followed at all times.
Swimmers must be free of colds and other contagious diseases.
No spitting, blowing nose, urination, or defecation in the pool.
All children under the age of 14, must be accompanied by an adult.
Do Not leave children unattended
No glass inside the pool fence
No profanity
No loud music
No street clothes in pool
Put all trash in container
No running, pushing, dunking, or rough play in pool area.
No diving.
Do not stand, play, or jump off ladders or railings.
Always enter the water forward without flipping.